13:00 | Julius Indongo |
UTC | Khariton Agrba |
Over 3½ rounds | |
Under 3½ rounds | |
Over 4½ rounds | |
Under 4½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Indongo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Indongo wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Agrba wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
14:00 | Abraham Gabriel Buonarrigo |
UTC | Pavel Silyagin |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Buonarrigo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Buonarrigo wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Silyagin wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
16:15 | Mark Urvanov |
UTC | Rene Alvarado |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Urvanov wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Urvanov wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Alvarado wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
19:00 | Eduardo Valverde |
UTC | Macauley Owen |
Over 4½ rounds | |
Under 4½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Valverde wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Valverde wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Owen wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
19:30 | George Davey |
UTC | Paul Cummings |
Over 4½ rounds | |
Under 4½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Davey wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Davey wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Cummings wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
20:00 | Brad Strand |
UTC | Darwin Martinez |
Over 4½ rounds | |
Under 4½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Strand wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Strand wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Martinez wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
20:00 | Milan Prat |
UTC | Stephen Danyo |
Over 10½ rounds | |
Under 10½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
20:00 | Jamie Stewart |
UTC | Owen Cooper |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
19:00 | Eduardo Valverde |
UTC | Macaulay McGowan |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
20:00 | Marian Marius Istrate |
UTC | William Hayden |
Over 4½ rounds | |
Under 4½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Istrate wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Hayden wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Istrate wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
20:30 | Emre Cukur |
UTC | Kevin Lele Sadjo |
Over 6½ rounds | |
Under 6½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
21:30 | Connor Parker |
UTC | Eithan James |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
James wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
21:45 | Aleksei Egorov |
UTC | Arsen Goulamirian |
Over 10½ rounds | |
Under 10½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
21:00 | Eithan James |
UTC | Keanen Wainwright |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
James wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
James wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
James wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Wainwright wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
21:55 | Anthony Yarde |
UTC | Stefani Koykov |
Over 1½ rounds | |
Under 1½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Yarde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Koykov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
22:35 | Ionut Baluta |
UTC | Liam Davies |
Over 10½ rounds | |
Under 10½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 1-4 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 1-4 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 5-8 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 5-8 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 9-12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 9-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 1-2 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 3-4 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins in round 7-8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9-10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11-12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Baluta wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Davies wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
01:00 | Jonathan Oquendo |
UTC | Toka Kahn Clary |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |
Any other result | |
Oquendo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result | |
Clary wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |
Any other result |
FanDuel | BetMGM | DraftKings | Caesars | BetWay | BetRivers | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | ||||
13:00 | Julius Indongo | +800 | 32 | ||||||||||
UTC | Khariton Agrba | -2500 | 32 | ||||||||||
Over 3½ rounds | |||||||||||||
Under 3½ rounds | |||||||||||||
Over 4½ rounds | -125 | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | -111 | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | +240▲ | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -333▼ | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -303▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins by decision | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins by decision | +240▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 1 | +700▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 2 | +650▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 3 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 3 | +650▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 4 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 4 | +650▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 5 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 5 | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 6 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 6 | +850▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 7 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 7 | +1000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Indongo wins in round 8 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Agrba wins in round 8 | +1400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +650▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +650 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
14:00 | Abraham Gabriel Buonarrigo | +900▲ | 37 | ||||||||||
UTC | Pavel Silyagin | -2000 | 37 | ||||||||||
Over 8½ rounds | -250▼ | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | +175▲ | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -189▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +137▲ | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +140▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins by decision | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins by decision | -164▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 1 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 2 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 3 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 3 | +2000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 4 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 4 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 5 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 5 | +1400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 6 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 6 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 7 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 7 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 8 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 8 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 9 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 9 | +1400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Buonarrigo wins in round 10 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Silyagin wins in round 10 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +1800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
16:15 | Mark Urvanov | -200▲ | 37 | ||||||||||
UTC | Rene Alvarado | +150▼ | 37 | ||||||||||
Over 8½ rounds | -500▲ | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | +333▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -400▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +275▲ | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +650▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +550▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins by decision | -120▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins by decision | +300▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 1 | +8000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 1 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 2 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 2 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 3 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 3 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 4 | +5000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 5 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 5 | +3300▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 6 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 6 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 7 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 7 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 8 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 8 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 9 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 9 | +3300▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Urvanov wins in round 10 | +5000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Alvarado wins in round 10 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
19:00 | Eduardo Valverde | +1320 | +1100▲ | +900 | +1000▲ | +900 | 35 | ||||||
UTC | Macauley Owen | -3000 | -3500▼ | -3333 | -2500 | -3335 | 35 | ||||||
Over 4½ rounds | -455▼ | -500 | |||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | +300▲ | +320 | |||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -278▼ | -278 | |||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +200▲ | +200 | |||||||||||
Valverde wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1400 | +1500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +200▲ | +220 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins by decision | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins by decision | -250▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2200 | +2000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 1 | +8000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 1 | +1200▲ | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 2 | +6600 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 2 | +1100▲ | +1200 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 3 | +6600 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 3 | +1000▲ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 4 | +6600 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 4 | +1000▲ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 5 | +6600 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 5 | +1000▲ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 6 | +6600 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Owen wins in round 6 | +1100▲ | +1200 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 1-3 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins in round 1-3 | +400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 4-6 | +2500▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins in round 4-6 | +375▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +1000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 1-2 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins in round 1-2 | +600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 3-4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins in round 3-4 | +525 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Valverde wins in round 5-6 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Owen wins in round 5-6 | +525 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
19:30 | George Davey | -4500 | -5000 | -5000▲ | -5000 | -5000 | -5000 | 35 | |||||
UTC | Paul Cummings | +1600 | +1200 | +1200 | +1000 | +1000 | +1000 | 35 | |||||
Over 4½ rounds | -909 | -1115 | |||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | +550 | +550 | |||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -500 | -530 | |||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +333 | +330 | |||||||||||
Davey wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +333▲ | +350 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +2500 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins by decision | -500▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins by decision | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | +2500 | +2200 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Davey wins in round 1 | +1600 | +1800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 1 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 2 | +1400 | +1600 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 2 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 3 | +1200 | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 3 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 4 | +1200 | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 4 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 5 | +1200 | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 5 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 6 | +1200 | +1600 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 6 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Davey wins in round 1-3 | +650 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 1-3 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Davey wins in round 4-6 | +550 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 4-6 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Davey wins in round 1-2 | +800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 1-2 | +6000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Davey wins in round 3-4 | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 3-4 | +6000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Davey wins in round 5-6 | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cummings wins in round 5-6 | +6000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
20:00 | Brad Strand | -4500 | -5000 | -8000▼ | -5000 | -5000 | -5000 | 35 | |||||
UTC | Darwin Martinez | +1600 | +1200 | +1300▲ | +1000 | +1400▲ | +1000 | 35 | |||||
Over 4½ rounds | -333▲ | -455 | |||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | +240▼ | +300 | |||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -200▲ | -250 | |||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +150▼ | +180 | |||||||||||
Strand wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +150▼ | +195 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1600 | +1600 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins by decision | -200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins by decision | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | +2500 | +2200 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Strand wins in round 1 | +1000▼ | +1300 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 1 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 2 | +900▼ | +1200 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 2 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 3 | +850▼ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 3 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 4 | +800▼ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 4 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 5 | +850▼ | +1100 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 5 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 6 | +900▼ | +1200 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 6 | +8000 | +10000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Strand wins in round 1-3 | +333▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 1-3 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Strand wins in round 4-6 | +300▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 4-6 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +900▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +850▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +800▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +750▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +800▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +850▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Strand wins in round 1-2 | +575 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 1-2 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Strand wins in round 3-4 | +525 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 3-4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Strand wins in round 5-6 | +525 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Martinez wins in round 5-6 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
20:00 | Milan Prat | -800 | -833▼ | 95 | |||||||||
UTC | Stephen Danyo | +450 | +450▲ | 95 | |||||||||
Over 10½ rounds | -189▼ | ||||||||||||
Under 10½ rounds | +137▲ | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -152▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +110▲ | ||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +130▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins by decision | -111▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins by decision | +850▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 1 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 2 | +3300▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 3 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 3 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 4 | +2000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 4 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 5 | +1800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 5 | +10000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 6 | +1400▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 6 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 7 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 7 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 8 | +1400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 8 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 9 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 9 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 10 | +1400▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 10 | +8000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 11 | +1800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 11 | +10000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 12 | +2000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 12 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 1-3 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 1-3 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 4-6 | +600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 4-6 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 7-9 | +450▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 7-9 | +3300▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins in round 10-12 | +600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Danyo wins in round 10-12 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +2800▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +2500▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1600▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1200▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +1200▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11 | +1600▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 12 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Prat wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Danyo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
20:00 | Jamie Stewart | +330▲ | +333 | +340▼ | +350 | +280 | +300▼ | +300 | 87 | ||||
UTC | Owen Cooper | -480▼ | -400 | -475▲ | -450 | -400 | -455▲ | -455 | 87 | ||||
Over 8½ rounds | -600 | -625▼ | -625 | ||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | +400 | +400▲ | +380 | ||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -410 | -400 | -500 | -500▼ | -480 | ||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +290 | +280 | +300 | +333▲ | +310 | ||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1100 | +1100 | +1100 | +1100 | +1100 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +500 | +450 | +450 | +450▲ | +450 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins by decision | +480 | +460 | +450 | +500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Cooper wins by decision | -200 | -200 | -200 | -200▼ | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2400 | +1600 | +1400 | +1600 | +1100▼ | +1400 | |||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||
Stewart wins in round 1 | +10000 | +10000 | +10000 | +10000 | +8000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 1 | +7500 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600▲ | +6600 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 2 | +9500 | +10000 | +8000 | +10000▲ | +8000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 2 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000▲ | +4000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 3 | +9500 | +7500 | +6600 | +6600▼ | +5000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 3 | +4800 | +4000 | +4000 | +4000▲ | +3300 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 4 | +8500 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600 | +5000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 4 | +4100 | +3300 | +3300 | +3300▲ | +3300 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 5 | +8500 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600 | +5000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 5 | +3200 | +2800 | +2800 | +2800▲ | +2800 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 6 | +8500 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000▼ | +5000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 6 | +3200 | +2800 | +2800 | +2800▲ | +2800 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 7 | +8500 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000▼ | +5000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 7 | +3200 | +2800 | +2800 | +2800▲ | +2800 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 8 | +8000 | +6600 | +5000 | +6600 | +6600 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 8 | +3200 | +2800 | +2800 | +2800▲ | +2800 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 9 | +8000 | +6600 | +5000 | +6600 | +6600 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 9 | +3800 | +3300 | +3300 | +3300▲ | +3300 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 10 | +9500 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600▼ | +6600 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Cooper wins in round 10 | +3800 | +4000 | +4000 | +4000▲ | +4000 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Stewart wins in round 11 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 11 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +3300▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +2000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +2000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 1-2 | +5500 | +5000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 1-2 | +3200 | +2800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 3-4 | +4600 | +2800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 3-4 | +2300 | +1800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 5-6 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 5-6 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 7-8 | +4100 | +3000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 7-8 | +1700 | +1600 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Stewart wins in round 9-10 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cooper wins in round 9-10 | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5-6 | +4300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5-6 | +1700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9-10 | +4400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9-10 | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11-12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11-12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Stewart wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cooper wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
19:00 | Eduardo Valverde | +1000 | 1 | ||||||||||
UTC | Macaulay McGowan | -3000 | 1 | ||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
20:00 | Marian Marius Istrate | +1600 | +1000 | +1300▲ | +1000 | +1400▲ | +1000 | 32 | |||||
UTC | William Hayden | -4500 | -5000 | -8000▼ | -5000 | -5000 | -5000 | 32 | |||||
Over 4½ rounds | -714▼ | ||||||||||||
Under 4½ rounds | +450▲ | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -500 | -455▼ | |||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +300 | +300▲ | |||||||||||
Istrate wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1800 | +1800 | +1800 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +300 | +300▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins by decision | +2500 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Hayden wins by decision | -450 | -455▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | +2200 | +2500 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 1 | +6600 | +8000▼ | +10000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 1 | +1400 | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 2 | +6600 | +8000 | +10000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 2 | +1200 | +1400▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 3 | +6600 | +6600▼ | +8000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 3 | +1200 | +1200▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 4 | +6600 | +6600 | +8000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 4 | +1200 | +1200▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 5 | +6600 | +6600▼ | +8000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 5 | +1200 | +1200▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 6 | +6600 | +8000 | +10000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 6 | +1400 | +1400▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 1-3 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 1-3 | +550▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 4-6 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Hayden wins in round 4-6 | +500▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 1-2 | +6000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 3-4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Istrate wins in round 5-6 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
20:30 | Emre Cukur | +650 | +600▲ | 95 | |||||||||
UTC | Kevin Lele Sadjo | -1408 | -1250▼ | 95 | |||||||||
Over 6½ rounds | -120▲ | ||||||||||||
Under 6½ rounds | -120▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | +275 | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -400 | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -357▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins by decision | +1000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by decision | +400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 1 | +1600▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 2 | +1200▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 3 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 3 | +900▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 4 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 4 | +800▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 5 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 5 | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 6 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 6 | +700▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 7 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 7 | +800▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 8 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 8 | +900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 9 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 9 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 10 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 10 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 11 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 11 | +2200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 12 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 12 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 1-3 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 1-3 | +400▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 4-6 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 4-6 | +210▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 7-9 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 7-9 | +300▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins in round 10-12 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Sadjo wins in round 10-12 | +750▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +1400▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +1100▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +850▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +750▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +650 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +650▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +750▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +850▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11 | +2000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 12 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Cukur wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Sadjo wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
21:30 | Connor Parker | +240 | +230 | 67 | |||||||||
UTC | Eithan James | -300 | -335 | 67 | |||||||||
Over 8½ rounds | -910 | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | +500 | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -670 | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +400 | ||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins by decision | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by decision | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1800 | +1200 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Parker wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 1 | +8000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 2 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 3 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 3 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 4 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 5 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 5 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 6 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 6 | +3000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 7 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 7 | +3000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 8 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 8 | +3000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 9 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 9 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 10 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 10 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 1-2 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 1-2 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 3-4 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 3-4 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 5-6 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 5-6 | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 7-8 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 7-8 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins in round 9-10 | +3000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 9-10 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Parker wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
21:45 | Aleksei Egorov | +270 | +250▼ | +255▲ | +270 | +240 | +240▲ | +255 | 107 | ||||
UTC | Arsen Goulamirian | -380 | -300▲ | -340▼ | -340 | -333 | -333▼ | -375 | 107 | ||||
Over 10½ rounds | -170 | -175▼ | -167 | ||||||||||
Under 10½ rounds | +130 | +125▲ | +125 | ||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -135 | -143 | -139▼ | -134 | |||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +105 | +105 | +100▲ | +100 | |||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +700 | +700 | +700 | +700 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +150 | +150 | +150▲ | +150 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins by decision | +450 | +450 | +450 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by decision | +140 | +140 | +150▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1600▼ | +1400 | +1600 | +1000▼ | +1200 | ||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||
Egorov wins in round 1 | +10000 | +10000 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 1 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 2 | +10000 | +8000 | +10000 | +10000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 2 | +4000 | +3300 | +4000▲ | +4000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 3 | +8000 | +6600 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 3 | +2800 | +2800 | +2800 | +2500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 4 | +6600 | +6600 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 4 | +2200 | +2200 | +2200 | +2000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 5 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600 | +6600 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 5 | +1800 | +1800 | +1800 | +1600 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 6 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 6 | +1600 | +1600 | +1600 | +1500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 7 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 7 | +1400 | +1400 | +1400 | +1200 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 8 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 8 | +1400 | +1400 | +1400 | +1200 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 9 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 9 | +1400 | +1400 | +1400 | +1500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 10 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 10 | +1600 | +1600 | +1600 | +1500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 11 | +5000 | +5000 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 11 | +1800 | +1800 | +1800 | +1600 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 12 | +8000 | +8000 | +8000 | +8000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 12 | +2200 | +2200 | +2200 | +2000 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Egorov wins in round 1-3 | +5000 | +4500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 1-3 | +1400 | +1400 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Egorov wins in round 4-6 | +2500 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 4-6 | +700▲ | +650 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Egorov wins in round 7-9 | +1800 | +1800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 7-9 | +500▲ | +450 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Egorov wins in round 10-12 | +2500 | +2000 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 10-12 | +700▲ | +550 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Egorov wins in round 1-6 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 1-6 | +425 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Egorov wins in round 7-12 | +950 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins in round 7-12 | +225 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +4000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +3300▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1200▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 12 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-3 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-3 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4-6 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4-6 | +650 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-9 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-9 | +450 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10-12 | +2400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10-12 | +600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Egorov wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
Goulamirian wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12 | |||||||||||||
Any other result | |||||||||||||
21:00 | Eithan James | -260 | -275 | -245 | -250 | -303▼ | 53 | ||||||
UTC | Keanen Wainwright | +194 | +225 | +185 | +200 | +225▲ | 53 | ||||||
Over 8½ rounds | -400 | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | +275 | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -270 | -333 | -333▼ | ||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +200 | +220 | +240▲ | ||||||||||
James wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +550 | +500 | +450▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +500 | +450 | +550▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins by decision | -135 | -138 | -152▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins by decision | +430 | +450 | +550▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1800 | +1800 | +1400 | +1400 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
James wins in round 1 | +8500 | +6600 | +6600 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 1 | +7500 | +6600 | +6600 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 2 | +6500 | +5000 | +5000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 2 | +7500 | +5000 | +6600▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 3 | +6500 | +4000 | +4000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 3 | +7500 | +4000 | +5000▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 4 | +5000 | +3300 | +3300▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 4 | +5500 | +3300 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 5 | +5000 | +3300 | +3300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 5 | +5500 | +2800 | +3300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 6 | +6000 | +3300 | +2800▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 6 | +3500 | +2800 | +3300▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 7 | +4200 | +3300 | +2800▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 7 | +3500 | +2800 | +3300▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 8 | +3900 | +3300 | +3300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 8 | +3400 | +2800 | +3300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 9 | +3900 | +3300 | +3300▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 9 | +3400 | +3300 | +4000▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 10 | +4300 | +4000 | +4000 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 10 | +3700 | +4000 | +5000▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
James wins in round 11 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 11 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 12 | -100000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +3300 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 1-2 | +3800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 1-2 | +3800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 3-4 | +3000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 3-4 | +3200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
James wins in round 7-8 | +2100 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Wainwright wins in round 7-8 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5-6 | +2900 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a |