08:00 | Kaito Yamasaki |
UTC | Subaru Murata |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Yamasaki wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Yamasaki wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Murata wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
15:00 | Amine Boucetta |
UTC | Boma Brown |
15:00 | Facundo Arce |
UTC | James McGivern |
16:00 | James McGivern |
UTC | Reuquen Cona Facundo Arce |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
16:45 | Mark Butler |
UTC | Nelson Birchall |
17:00 | Brad Strand |
UTC | Marvin Solano |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
18:40 | Andrew Cain |
UTC | Lazaro Casseres |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Cain wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Casseres wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Cain wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Casseres wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
18:05 | Joe Cooper |
UTC | Lukasz Barabasz |
19:20 | Jadier Herrera |
UTC | Oliver Flores |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Herrera wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Flores wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Herrera wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Flores wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
19:30 | Dale Arrowsmith |
UTC | Walter Fury |
20:00 | Gonzalo Corinaldesi |
UTC | Jack Turner |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
20:45 | Henry Turner |
UTC | Jack Rafferty |
Over 10½ rounds | |
Under 10½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Turner wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Turner wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Rafferty wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-12 | |
Any other result | |
21:30 | Nick Ball |
UTC | Ronny Rios |
Over 6½ rounds | |
Under 6½ rounds | |
Over 7½ rounds | |
Under 7½ rounds | |
Over 8½ rounds | |
Under 8½ rounds | |
Fight goes to decision | |
Fight doesn't go to decision | |
Ball wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins by TKO/KO or DQ | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins by decision | |
Any other result | |
Fight is a draw | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 2 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 5 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 8 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 11 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 12 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 1-3 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 4-6 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 7-9 | |
Any other result | |
Fight ends in round 10-12 | |
Any other result | |
Ball wins after being knocked down | |
Any other result | |
Rios wins after being knocked down | |
Any other result | |
Ball is knocked down | |
Any other result | |
Rios is knocked down | |
Any other result | |
Both fighters are knocked down | |
Any other result |
FanDuel | BetMGM | DraftKings | Caesars | BetWay | BetRivers | Bet365 | Unibet | PointsBet | Props | ||||
08:00 | Kaito Yamasaki | +420 | +425▲ | +400 | 30 | ||||||||
UTC | Subaru Murata | -650▼ | -600 | -599 | 30 | ||||||||
Fight goes to decision | +186 | +175▲ | |||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -240 | -250▼ | |||||||||||
Yamasaki wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +750 | +800 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Murata wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -170 | -175▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Yamasaki wins by decision | +1000 | +1000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Murata wins by decision | +310 | +250▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1800 | +1600▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 1 | +2200▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 2 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 3 | +8000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 3 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 4 | +8000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 4 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 5 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 5 | +1000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 6 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 6 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 7 | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 7 | +11000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 8 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 8 | +1000▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 9 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 9 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 10 | +6600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 10 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 11 | +8000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 11 | +1800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Yamasaki wins in round 12 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Murata wins in round 12 | +2200▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
15:00 | Amine Boucetta | +1600 | +1500 | +1100▲ | |||||||||
UTC | Boma Brown | -4000 | -10000 | -5000▼ | |||||||||
15:00 | Facundo Arce | +1100 | |||||||||||
UTC | James McGivern | -3500 | |||||||||||
16:00 | James McGivern | -2000 | -2000 | -2500 | 1 | ||||||||
UTC | Reuquen Cona Facundo Arce | +1180 | +900 | +900▼ | 1 | ||||||||
Fight is a draw | +2200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
16:45 | Mark Butler | +1600 | +1300 | +1000 | |||||||||
UTC | Nelson Birchall | -3500 | -6000 | -3333▼ | |||||||||
17:00 | Brad Strand | -3500 | -3000 | -3000 | -5000▼ | 1 | |||||||
UTC | Marvin Solano | +1600 | +1100 | +1000 | +1100▲ | 1 | |||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
18:40 | Andrew Cain | -4500▼ | -2500 | -4000 | -3500 | -3333 | 6 | ||||||
UTC | Lazaro Casseres | +1100▲ | +1000 | +1100 | +1300 | +1400▲ | 6 | ||||||
Fight goes to decision | +510▼ | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -850▲ | ||||||||||||
Cain wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -700▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Casseres wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +2400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Cain wins by decision | +650▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Casseres wins by decision | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +3800 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
18:05 | Joe Cooper | -3500 | -3333▼ | ||||||||||
UTC | Lukasz Barabasz | +1600 | +1000 | ||||||||||
19:20 | Jadier Herrera | -4000▼ | -3000 | -10000 | -3500 | -5000▼ | 6 | ||||||
UTC | Oliver Flores | +1600▲ | +1100 | +1500 | +1300 | +1200 | 6 | ||||||
Fight goes to decision | +720 | ||||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -1300 | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Flores wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +2900 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Herrera wins by decision | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Flores wins by decision | +5000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +3800 | +3300 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
19:30 | Dale Arrowsmith | +1600 | +1200 | ||||||||||
UTC | Walter Fury | -4000 | -5000▼ | ||||||||||
20:00 | Gonzalo Corinaldesi | +1420 | +1200 | +1200 | +1100 | 1 | |||||||
UTC | Jack Turner | -2500 | -5000 | -5000 | -5000▼ | 1 | |||||||
Fight is a draw | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
20:45 | Henry Turner | -142 | -125▲ | -150 | -150 | -138▲ | 43 | ||||||
UTC | Jack Rafferty | +106 | +110▼ | +120▲ | +120 | +115▼ | 43 | ||||||
Over 10½ rounds | -240 | -250▼ | |||||||||||
Under 10½ rounds | +180 | +175▲ | |||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | -182 | -200 | -200▼ | ||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | +142 | +150 | +150▲ | ||||||||||
Turner wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +360 | +360 | +400▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Rafferty wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +360 | +330 | +300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Turner wins by decision | +160 | +140 | +138▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Rafferty wins by decision | +280 | +320 | +300 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +1800 | +1600 | +1400 | +1600 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Turner wins in round 1 | +10000 | +10000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 1 | +10000 | +6600▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 2 | +8000 | +8000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 2 | +8000 | +5000▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 3 | +6600 | +6600▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 3 | +6600 | +4000▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 4 | +5500 | +5000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 4 | +5000 | +3300▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 5 | +4000 | +4000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 5 | +3300 | +2800▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 6 | +3300 | +3300▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 6 | +2800 | +2500▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 7 | +2800 | +3300▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 7 | +2500 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 8 | +2500 | +2800▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 8 | +2200 | +2200▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 9 | +2800 | +3300▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 9 | +2500 | +2500 | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 10 | +3300 | +3300▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 10 | +2800 | +2500▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 11 | +3500 | +4000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 11 | +3300 | +2800▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Turner wins in round 12 | +4000 | +5000▲ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Rafferty wins in round 12 | +4000 | +3300▼ | |||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | |||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-3 | +2800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-3 | +2500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4-6 | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4-6 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-9 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-9 | +850 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10-12 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10-12 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-6 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-6 | +800 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-12 | +700 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-12 | +500 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
21:30 | Nick Ball | -1600▼ | -1400▼ | -1600▼ | -2000▼ | -1587 | 54 | ||||||
UTC | Ronny Rios | +920▲ | +800▲ | +850▲ | +900▲ | +750 | 54 | ||||||
Over 6½ rounds | -125 | ||||||||||||
Under 6½ rounds | -105 | ||||||||||||
Over 7½ rounds | -118▼ | -105 | -120▼ | ||||||||||
Under 7½ rounds | -108▲ | -125 | -120▲ | ||||||||||
Over 8½ rounds | +130 | ||||||||||||
Under 8½ rounds | -170 | ||||||||||||
Fight goes to decision | +290▲ | +325 | +275▼ | ||||||||||
Fight doesn't go to decision | -410▼ | -500 | -400▲ | ||||||||||
Ball wins by TKO/KO or DQ | -310▼ | -420 | -400▲ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Rios wins by TKO/KO or DQ | +1400▲ | +1400 | +1400▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Ball wins by decision | +380▲ | +360 | +350 | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Rios wins by decision | +2500▲ | +2200 | +1800▼ | ||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | ||||||||||
Fight is a draw | +3000▲ | +2500▲ | +2500 | +2200 | |||||||||
Any other result | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | |||||||||
Ball wins in round 1 | +2000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 1 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 2 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 2 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 3 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 3 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 4 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 4 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 5 | +850 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 5 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 6 | +750 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 6 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 7 | +750 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 7 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 8 | +750 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 8 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 9 | +850 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 9 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 10 | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 10 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 11 | +1200 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 11 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins in round 12 | +1600 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins in round 12 | +10000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1 | +1900▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 2 | +1700▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 3 | +1400▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4 | +1100▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 5 | +900▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 6 | +700▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7 | +750▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 8 | +800▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 9 | +1100▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10 | +1400▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 11 | +1900▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 12 | +3000▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 1-3 | +500▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 4-6 | +240▼ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 7-9 | +240▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Fight ends in round 10-12 | +650▲ | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball wins after being knocked down | +1400 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios wins after being knocked down | +2900 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Ball is knocked down | +770 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Rios is knocked down | -370 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a | ||||||||||||
Both fighters are knocked down | +1000 | ||||||||||||
Any other result | n/a |