19:00Radoslav Estocin
UTCSebastian Slusarczyk
Over 5½ rounds
Under 5½ rounds
19:45Edmond Zefi
UTCLukasz Wierzbicki
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Zefi wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Zefi wins by decision
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 1
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 1
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 2
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 2
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 3
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 3
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 4
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 4
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 5
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 5
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 6
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 6
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Zefi wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Wierzbicki wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
20:00Juan Ruiz
UTCTomasz Nowicki
Over 6½ rounds
Under 6½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Ruiz wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Nowicki wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Ruiz wins by decision
Any other result
Nowicki wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 1
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 1
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 2
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 2
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 3
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 3
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 4
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 4
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 5
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 5
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 6
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 6
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 7
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 7
Any other result
Ruiz wins in round 8
Any other result
Nowicki wins in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
21:15Karol Welter
UTCPatryk Szymanski
Over 6½ rounds
Under 6½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Welter wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Szymanski wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Welter wins by decision
Any other result
Szymanski wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Welter wins in round 1
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 1
Any other result
Welter wins in round 2
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 2
Any other result
Welter wins in round 3
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 3
Any other result
Welter wins in round 4
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 4
Any other result
Welter wins in round 5
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 5
Any other result
Welter wins in round 6
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 6
Any other result
Welter wins in round 7
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 7
Any other result
Welter wins in round 8
Any other result
Szymanski wins in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
20:00Michael Walton
UTCWilliam Hayden
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Walton wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Hayden wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Walton wins by decision
Any other result
Hayden wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Walton wins in round 1
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 1
Any other result
Walton wins in round 2
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 2
Any other result
Walton wins in round 3
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 3
Any other result
Walton wins in round 4
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Walton wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Walton wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Hayden wins in round 3-4
Any other result
19:40Jamie Chamberlain
UTCRicky Starkey
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Chamberlain wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Starkey wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Chamberlain wins by decision
Any other result
Starkey wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 1
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 1
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 2
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 2
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 3
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 3
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 4
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Chamberlain wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Starkey wins in round 3-4
Any other result
20:20Dario Borosa
UTCJoshua Frankham
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Borosa wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Frankham wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Borosa wins by decision
Any other result
Frankham wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 1
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 1
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 2
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 2
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 3
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 3
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 4
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Borosa wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Frankham wins in round 3-4
Any other result
20:30Henrich Herak
UTCJake Henty
Over 4½ rounds
Under 4½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Herak wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Henty wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Herak wins by decision
Any other result
Henty wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Herak wins in round 1
Any other result
Henty wins in round 1
Any other result
Herak wins in round 2
Any other result
Henty wins in round 2
Any other result
Herak wins in round 3
Any other result
Henty wins in round 3
Any other result
Herak wins in round 4
Any other result
Henty wins in round 4
Any other result
Herak wins in round 5
Any other result
Henty wins in round 5
Any other result
Herak wins in round 6
Any other result
Henty wins in round 6
Any other result
Herak wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Henty wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Herak wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Henty wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Herak wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Henty wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Herak wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Henty wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Herak wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Henty wins in round 5-6
Any other result
21:30Frank Arnold
UTCPaul Holt
Over 7½ rounds
Under 7½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Arnold wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Holt wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Arnold wins by decision
Any other result
Holt wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 1
Any other result
Holt wins in round 1
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 2
Any other result
Holt wins in round 2
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 3
Any other result
Holt wins in round 3
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 4
Any other result
Holt wins in round 4
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 5
Any other result
Holt wins in round 5
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 6
Any other result
Holt wins in round 6
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 7
Any other result
Holt wins in round 7
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 8
Any other result
Holt wins in round 8
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 9
Any other result
Holt wins in round 9
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 10
Any other result
Holt wins in round 10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9
Any other result
Fight ends in round 10
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Holt wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Holt wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Holt wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Holt wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Arnold wins in round 9-10
Any other result
Holt wins in round 9-10
Any other result
21:00Ismail Galiatano
UTCKamil Laszczyk
22:00Jiri Kroupa
UTCKarol Itauma
Over 1½ rounds
Under 1½ rounds
Over 2½ rounds
Under 2½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Kroupa wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Itauma wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Kroupa wins by decision
Any other result
Itauma wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 1
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 1
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 2
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 2
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 3
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 3
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 4
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 4
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 5
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 5
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 6
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 6
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Kroupa wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Itauma wins in round 5-6
Any other result
22:45Chris Bourke
UTCMarc Leach
Over 10½ rounds
Under 10½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Bourke wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Bourke wins by decision
Any other result
Leach wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 1
Any other result
Leach wins in round 1
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 2
Any other result
Leach wins in round 2
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 3
Any other result
Leach wins in round 3
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 4
Any other result
Leach wins in round 4
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 5
Any other result
Leach wins in round 5
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 6
Any other result
Leach wins in round 6
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 7
Any other result
Leach wins in round 7
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 8
Any other result
Leach wins in round 8
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 9
Any other result
Leach wins in round 9
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 10
Any other result
Leach wins in round 10
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 11
Any other result
Leach wins in round 11
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 12
Any other result
Leach wins in round 12
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Leach wins in round 1-3
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Leach wins in round 4-6
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 7-9
Any other result
Leach wins in round 7-9
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 10-12
Any other result
Leach wins in round 10-12
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 1-6
Any other result
Leach wins in round 1-6
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 7-12
Any other result
Leach wins in round 7-12
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 1-4
Any other result
Leach wins in round 1-4
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 5-8
Any other result
Leach wins in round 5-8
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 9-12
Any other result
Leach wins in round 9-12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9
Any other result
Fight ends in round 10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 11
Any other result
Fight ends in round 12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7-12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7-12
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Leach wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Leach wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Leach wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Leach wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 9-10
Any other result
Leach wins in round 9-10
Any other result
Bourke wins in round 11-12
Any other result
Leach wins in round 11-12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9-10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9-10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 11-12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 11-12
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12
Any other result
01:30Erick Inzunza Angulo
UTCMathieu Germain
Over 6½ rounds
Under 6½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Angulo wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Germain wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Angulo wins by decision
Any other result
Germain wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 1
Any other result
Germain wins in round 1
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 2
Any other result
Germain wins in round 2
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 3
Any other result
Germain wins in round 3
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 4
Any other result
Germain wins in round 4
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 5
Any other result
Germain wins in round 5
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 6
Any other result
Germain wins in round 6
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 7
Any other result
Germain wins in round 7
Any other result
Angulo wins in round 8
Any other result
Germain wins in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
03:00Kim Clavel
UTCMariela Ribera Valverde
Over 8½ rounds
Under 8½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Clavel wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Clavel wins by decision
Any other result
Valverde wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 1
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 1
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 2
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 2
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 3
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 3
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 4
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 4
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 5
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 5
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 6
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 6
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 7
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 7
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 8
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 8
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 9
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 9
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 10
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9
Any other result
Fight ends in round 10
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 5-6
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Clavel wins in round 9-10
Any other result
Valverde wins in round 9-10
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
02:30Gabriel Maestre
UTCTaras Shelestyuk
Over 8½ rounds
Under 8½ rounds
Fight goes to decision
Fight doesn't go to decision
Maestre wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins by TKO/KO or DQ
Any other result
Maestre wins by decision
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins by decision
Any other result
Fight is a draw
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 1
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 1
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 2
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 2
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 3
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 3
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 4
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 4
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 5
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 5
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 6
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 6
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 7
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 7
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 8
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 8
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 9
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 9
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 10
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 10
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 11
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 11
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 12
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 1
Any other result
Fight ends in round 2
Any other result
Fight ends in round 3
Any other result
Fight ends in round 4
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5
Any other result
Fight ends in round 6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 7
Any other result
Fight ends in round 8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9
Any other result
Fight ends in round 10
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 1-2
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 3-4
Any other result
Maestre wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Shelestyuk wins in round 7-8
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 5-6
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9-10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 9-10
Any other result
Fight ends in round 11-12
Any other result
Fight ends in round 11-12
Any other result
19:00Radoslav Estocin+700
UTCSebastian Slusarczyk-2000
Over 5½ rounds
Under 5½ rounds
19:45Edmond Zefi+600+600 29 
UTCLukasz Wierzbicki-1408-1250 29 
Over 4½ rounds-357
Under 4½ rounds+250
Fight goes to decision-200
Fight doesn't go to decision+150
Zefi wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1200
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins by TKO/KO or DQ+175
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins by decision+1400
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins by decision-175
Any other resultn/a
Fight is a draw+2000
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 1+6600
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 1+1200
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 2+1100
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 3+5000
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 3+1000
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 4+5000
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 4+900
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 5+5000
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 5+900
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 6+5000
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 6+1000
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 1-3+2200
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 1-3+400
Any other resultn/a
Zefi wins in round 4-6+1800
Any other resultn/a
Wierzbicki wins in round 4-6+333
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+850
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+850
Any other resultn/a
20:00Juan Ruiz+225+240 31 
UTCTomasz Nowicki-333-333 31 
Over 6½ rounds-250
Under 6½ rounds+175
Fight goes to decision-164
Fight doesn't go to decision+120
Ruiz wins by TKO/KO or DQ+450
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins by TKO/KO or DQ+220
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins by decision+700
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins by decision+100
Any other resultn/a
Fight is a draw+1400
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 1+3300
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 3+4000
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 3+2000
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 4+3300
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 4+1800
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 5+2800
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 5+1600
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 6+2800
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 6+1600
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 7+2800
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 7+1600
Any other resultn/a
Ruiz wins in round 8+3300
Any other resultn/a
Nowicki wins in round 8+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+1200
Any other resultn/a
21:15Karol Welter-110-125 31 
UTCPatryk Szymanski-110-111 31 
Over 6½ rounds-278
Under 6½ rounds+200
Fight goes to decision-200
Fight doesn't go to decision+150
Welter wins by TKO/KO or DQ+350
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins by TKO/KO or DQ+350
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins by decision+187
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins by decision+225
Any other resultn/a
Fight is a draw+1200
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 1+4000
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 2+4000
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 2+3300
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 4+2500
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 4+2500
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 5+2500
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 5+2200
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 6+2200
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 6+2200
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 7+2500
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 7+2200
Any other resultn/a
Welter wins in round 8+2500
Any other resultn/a
Szymanski wins in round 8+2500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+1200
Any other resultn/a
20:00Michael Walton+1220+1200+1600+1400 23 
UTCWilliam Hayden-2400-3000-4500-5000 23 
Over 2½ rounds-500-500
Under 2½ rounds+333+333
Fight goes to decision-300-250
Fight doesn't go to decision+163+175
Walton wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1800+1800
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins by TKO/KO or DQ+200+175
Any other resultn/an/a
Walton wins by decision+2500+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins by decision-275-250
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight is a draw+1600+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Walton wins in round 1+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins in round 1+650+650
Any other resultn/an/a
Walton wins in round 2+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins in round 2+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Walton wins in round 3+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins in round 3+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Walton wins in round 4+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Hayden wins in round 4+650+650
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+550
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+550
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+600
Any other resultn/a
Walton wins in round 1-2+3300
Any other resultn/a
Hayden wins in round 1-2+333
Any other resultn/a
Walton wins in round 3-4+3300
Any other resultn/a
Hayden wins in round 3-4+333
Any other resultn/a
19:40Jamie Chamberlain-2400-2500-3000-3333 23 
UTCRicky Starkey+1220+1000+1300+1100 23 
Over 2½ rounds-500-500
Under 2½ rounds+333+333
Fight goes to decision-275-250
Fight doesn't go to decision+170+175
Chamberlain wins by TKO/KO or DQ+163+175
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Chamberlain wins by decision-250-227
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins by decision+2200+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight is a draw+1600+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Chamberlain wins in round 1+700+700
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins in round 1+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Chamberlain wins in round 2+650+650
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins in round 2+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Chamberlain wins in round 3+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins in round 3+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Chamberlain wins in round 4+650+650
Any other resultn/an/a
Starkey wins in round 4+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+550
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+600
Any other resultn/a
Chamberlain wins in round 1-2+333
Any other resultn/a
Starkey wins in round 1-2+2800
Any other resultn/a
Chamberlain wins in round 3-4+300
Any other resultn/a
Starkey wins in round 3-4+2800
Any other resultn/a
20:20Dario Borosa+1600+1300+2200+1400 23 
UTCJoshua Frankham-4500-4000-8000-10000 23 
Over 2½ rounds-275-278
Under 2½ rounds+200+200
Fight goes to decision-150-120
Fight doesn't go to decision-105-120
Borosa wins by TKO/KO or DQ+2200+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins by TKO/KO or DQ+100-120
Any other resultn/an/a
Borosa wins by decision+4000+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins by decision-137-120
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight is a draw+2000+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Borosa wins in round 1+8000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins in round 1+500+500
Any other resultn/an/a
Borosa wins in round 2+8000+8000
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins in round 2+400+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Borosa wins in round 3+8000+8000
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins in round 3+400+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Borosa wins in round 4+8000+8000
Any other resultn/an/a
Frankham wins in round 4+500+450
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+450
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+400
Any other resultn/a
Borosa wins in round 1-2+4000
Any other resultn/a
Frankham wins in round 1-2+200
Any other resultn/a
Borosa wins in round 3-4+4000
Any other resultn/a
Frankham wins in round 3-4+225
Any other resultn/a
20:30Henrich Herak+1220+1000+1100+900+1400 35 
UTCJake Henty-2400-2500-2200-5000-5000 35 
Over 4½ rounds+100+100
Under 4½ rounds-137-139
Fight goes to decision+188+175+175
Fight doesn't go to decision-300-250-250
Herak wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1800+1800+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins by TKO/KO or DQ-275-250-250
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins by decision+2500+2800+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins by decision+200+180+175
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+1600+2800+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 1+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 1+650+700+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 2+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 2+500+500+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 3+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 3+400+400+450
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 4+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 4+400+500+450
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 5+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 5+500+550+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 6+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Henty wins in round 6+650+700+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Herak wins in round 1-3+3300
Any other resultn/a
Henty wins in round 1-3+150
Any other resultn/a
Herak wins in round 4-6+4000
Any other resultn/a
Henty wins in round 4-6+150
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+650
Any other resultn/a
Herak wins in round 1-2+5000
Any other resultn/a
Henty wins in round 1-2+260
Any other resultn/a
Herak wins in round 3-4+5000
Any other resultn/a
Henty wins in round 3-4+175
Any other resultn/a
Herak wins in round 5-6+6600
Any other resultn/a
Henty wins in round 5-6+260
Any other resultn/a
21:30Frank Arnold-2400-1800-1600-3333-2500 47 
UTCPaul Holt+1220+950+900+1000+1000 47 
Over 7½ rounds+100+100
Under 7½ rounds-137-139
Fight goes to decision+188+230+240
Fight doesn't go to decision-333-300-333
Arnold wins by TKO/KO or DQ-300-300-303
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1600+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins by decision+225+240+240
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins by decision+2200+2200+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+1600+2800+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 1+1800+2200+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 1+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 2+1400+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 2+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 3+1000+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 3+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 4+800+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 4+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 5+700+800+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 5+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 6+700+750+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 6+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 7+700+750+700
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 7+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 8+750+750+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 8+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 9+800+850+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 9+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Arnold wins in round 10+1000+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Holt wins in round 10+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+650
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9+750
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 10+900
Any other resultn/a
Arnold wins in round 1-2+700
Any other resultn/a
Holt wins in round 1-2+8000
Any other resultn/a
Arnold wins in round 3-4+450
Any other resultn/a
Holt wins in round 3-4+8000
Any other resultn/a
Arnold wins in round 5-6+300
Any other resultn/a
Holt wins in round 5-6+8000
Any other resultn/a
Arnold wins in round 7-8+300
Any other resultn/a
Holt wins in round 7-8+8000
Any other resultn/a
Arnold wins in round 9-10+450
Any other resultn/a
Holt wins in round 9-10+8000
Any other resultn/a
21:00Ismail Galiatano+1000  
UTCKamil Laszczyk-10000  
22:00Jiri Kroupa+1600+1100+1400+1400+1400 36 
UTCKarol Itauma-4500-3000-3500-5000-5000 36 
Over 1½ rounds-175
Under 1½ rounds+125
Over 2½ rounds+125+120
Under 2½ rounds-175-164
Fight goes to decision+500+500+450
Fight doesn't go to decision-900-800-714
Kroupa wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1200+1600+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins by TKO/KO or DQ-800-699-714
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins by decision+5000+3300+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins by decision+500+500+450
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+2000+2800+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 1+6600+6600+6600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 1+200+200+200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 2+8000+6600+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 2+225+250+240
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 3+6600+6600+6600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 3+400+350+400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 4+10000+6600+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 4+650+700+650
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 5+10000+6600+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 5+1000+1000+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 6+10000+6600+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Itauma wins in round 6+1400+1600+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Kroupa wins in round 1-3+2500
Any other resultn/a
Itauma wins in round 1-3-250
Any other resultn/a
Kroupa wins in round 4-6+3300
Any other resultn/a
Itauma wins in round 4-6+300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+187
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+225
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+375
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1200
Any other resultn/a
Kroupa wins in round 1-2+4000
Any other resultn/a
Itauma wins in round 1-2-150
Any other resultn/a
Kroupa wins in round 3-4+4000
Any other resultn/a
Itauma wins in round 3-4+200
Any other resultn/a
Kroupa wins in round 5-6+5000
Any other resultn/a
Itauma wins in round 5-6+600
Any other resultn/a
22:45Chris Bourke-210-225-195-225-227-250 127 
UTCMarc Leach+158+180+165+195+162+180 127 
Over 10½ rounds-333-357-360
Under 10½ rounds+240+250+245
Fight goes to decision-235-275-275-303
Fight doesn't go to decision+180+200+200+225
Bourke wins by TKO/KO or DQ+260+300+250+260+250
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1200+700+1200+1200+1300
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins by decision+145+130+120+125
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Leach wins by decision+200+220+240+225
Any other resultn/an/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+1800+1600+1600+1400+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 1+4700+6600+5000+8000+5600
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 1+10000+8000+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 2+4100+5000+4000+5000+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 2+10000+6600+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 3+3600+3300+3300+3300+3000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 3+10000+6600+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 4+3200+2800+2800+2800+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 4+10000+6600+8000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 5+3000+2200+2500+2500+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 5+10000+6600+8000+8000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 6+2800+2000+2200+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 6+10000+5000+8000+8000+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 7+2800+2000+2000+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 7+10000+5000+8000+6600+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 8+2800+1600+2000+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 8+10000+5000+6600+6600+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 9+3000+2000+2000+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 9+10000+5000+6600+6600+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 10+3200+2000+2200+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 10+10000+5000+8000+8000+8000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 11+4100+2200+2500+2500+2200
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 11+10000+6600+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 12+4700+2800+2800+2800+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 12+10000+8000+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 1-3+1500+2000+1800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 1-3+5500+6600+5000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 4-6+1000+1000+800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 4-6+4000+3300+4500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 7-9+950+750+600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 7-9+3800+2800+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 10-12+1400+1000+900
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Leach wins in round 10-12+5000+4000+4500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Bourke wins in round 1-6+600+600
Any other resultn/an/a
Leach wins in round 1-6+2600+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Bourke wins in round 7-12+550+330
Any other resultn/an/a
Leach wins in round 7-12+2500+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Bourke wins in round 1-4+1000
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 1-4+4000
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins in round 5-8+700
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 5-8+3000
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins in round 9-12+950
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 9-12+3800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+5000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+4000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+2800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 10+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 11+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 12+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1-6+800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1-6+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7-12+450
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7-12+1400
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins in round 1-2+2300+2800
Any other resultn/an/a
Leach wins in round 1-2+8500+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Bourke wins in round 3-4+1800+1800
Any other resultn/an/a
Leach wins in round 3-4+6500+3300
Any other resultn/an/a
Bourke wins in round 5-6+1200
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 5-6+3300
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins in round 7-8+1400+1000
Any other resultn/an/a
Leach wins in round 7-8+5000+3300
Any other resultn/an/a
Bourke wins in round 9-10+1000
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 9-10+3300
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins in round 11-12+1400
Any other resultn/a
Leach wins in round 11-12+4000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5-6+1500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5-6+5500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9-10+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9-10+6000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 11-12+2300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 11-12+8500
Any other resultn/a
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 12
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 11 or 12
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1-3
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4-6
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7-9
Any other result
Bourke wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12
Any other result
Leach wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10-12
Any other result
01:30Erick Inzunza Angulo+1220+1200+1100 31 
UTCMathieu Germain-2400-5000-3333 31 
Over 6½ rounds-303
Under 6½ rounds+225
Fight goes to decision-200-200
Fight doesn't go to decision+150+150
Angulo wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins by TKO/KO or DQ+150+160
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins by decision+2500+2800
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins by decision-188-200
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight is a draw+2500+2500
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 1+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 1+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 2+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 2+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 3+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 3+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 4+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 4+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 5+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 5+1200+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 6+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 6+1400+1200
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 7+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 7+1600+1400
Any other resultn/an/a
Angulo wins in round 8+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/a
Germain wins in round 8+2000+1600
Any other resultn/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1100
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+1400
Any other resultn/a
03:00Kim Clavel-4500-3000-4500-5000-5000 76 
UTCMariela Ribera Valverde+1600+1100+1600+1400+1400 76 
Over 8½ rounds-125-139
Under 8½ rounds-110+100
Fight goes to decision-125-143-120
Fight doesn't go to decision-125+105-120
Clavel wins by TKO/KO or DQ-137+110-120
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins by TKO/KO or DQ+1400+1600+1600
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins by decision+100-133-120
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins by decision+2500+2500+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+1600+2500+2500
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 1+2200+4000+4000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 1+10000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 2+1800+2500+2800
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 2+8000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 3+1400+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 3+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 4+1200+1400+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 4+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 5+1000+1100+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 5+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 6+1000+800+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 6+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 7+1000+800+750
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 7+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 8+1200+800+1000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 8+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 9+1400+11000+1400
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 9+6600+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Clavel wins in round 10+1600+2000+2000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Valverde wins in round 10+8000+10000+10000
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight ends in round 1+3300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+2500
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+900
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9+1200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 10+1800
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins in round 1-2+700
Any other resultn/a
Valverde wins in round 1-2+8000
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins in round 3-4+500
Any other resultn/a
Valverde wins in round 3-4+6600
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins in round 5-6+500
Any other resultn/a
Valverde wins in round 5-6+5000
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins in round 7-8+450
Any other resultn/a
Valverde wins in round 7-8+5000
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins in round 9-10+700
Any other resultn/a
Valverde wins in round 9-10+6600
Any other resultn/a
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 2
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 4
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 6
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 8
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 10
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 1 or 2
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 3 or 4
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 5 or 6
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 7 or 8
Any other result
Clavel wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
Valverde wins by TKO/KO/DQ in round 9 or 10
Any other result
02:30Gabriel Maestre-120-140-138-152 53 
UTCTaras Shelestyuk-106+115+110+110 53 
Over 8½ rounds-278
Under 8½ rounds+200
Fight goes to decision-172-225-200
Fight doesn't go to decision+134+163+150
Maestre wins by TKO/KO or DQ+320+275+260
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Shelestyuk wins by TKO/KO or DQ+430+550+550
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Maestre wins by decision+210+180+200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Shelestyuk wins by decision+190+188+200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Fight is a draw+1800+1400+1200
Any other resultn/an/an/a
Maestre wins in round 1+4700+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 1+5500+8000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 2+4200+3300
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 2+5000+6600
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 3+3700+2800
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 3+4700+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 4+3300+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 4+4100+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 5+3100+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 5+3800+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 6+3100+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 6+3800+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 7+2900+2000
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 7+3500+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 8+2900+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 8+3500+4000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 9+3100+2200
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 9+3800+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 10+3600+2800
Any other resultn/an/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 10+4600+5000
Any other resultn/an/a
Maestre wins in round 11-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 11-100000
Any other resultn/a
Maestre wins in round 12-100000
Any other resultn/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 12-100000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 1+3300
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 2+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 3+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 4+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 6+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 7+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 8+1400
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 10+1800
Any other resultn/a
Maestre wins in round 1-2+2300
Any other resultn/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 1-2+3000
Any other resultn/a
Maestre wins in round 3-4+1800
Any other resultn/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 3-4+2300
Any other resultn/a
Maestre wins in round 7-8+1500
Any other resultn/a
Shelestyuk wins in round 7-8+1800
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5-6+1600
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 5-6+2000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9-10+1700
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 9-10+2200
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 11-12-100000
Any other resultn/a
Fight ends in round 11-12-100000
Any other resultn/a
Last change: 1001 days ago
Expected outcome
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